mark 8:38 "for whoever is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinfull generation, of him the son of man also will be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his father with the holy angels."
on my way to potters field-ranch about to endure numerous blessing from god i get a call from my brother. someone i know does not believe and will most likely make me feel foolish and weak for trusting in someone he thinks of as a fantasy, i answered the phone in a negative state of mind. the fear of loosing a close bond with my brother became greater than my love for god and took over my every word and put me back in a old way of thinking and old beliefs. i didn't stand up for my Jesus instead i denied him and in trying not to loose my brother by seeming foolish i became foolish threw the eyes of god for he gave me a new life and i was sitting in the car on the way to this new life denying the very god that is handing it to me. after i got off the phone my soul began to drowned in shame. i realized i acted like the very thing i hate. i asked myself how i could possibly be a warrior for god if i cant even take a stand for him while talking to my own brother. i began to pray and ask god for strength and wisdom and with the strength and wisdom give me space from my brother so the next time i talk to him i can talk to him from the love and truth of god not the hate and lies from the devil and a mindset from the past.
application: continue to cry out to god for his strength when i am week and forgiveness from the shame so that when god comes with his holy angels i can walk to him with no shame for i trust god will take it away and guide my words and feet with his grace.
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