Monday, October 10, 2011

galatians 6:3

Galatians 6:3 “for is anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.”

It’s interesting to me how god continually describes man as sheep in the gospel. Sheep are dense creatures with no direction for there life, if they see one sheep jump of a cliff they will follow and jump with the sheep if there not following the shepherd and no matter how hard they could try to be the shepherd they cant, they also cant understand what the shepherd is thinking or where the shepherd is taking them all they have to do to be safe is follow and trust there shepherd.

This makes me ask myself how many times have I thought I am as smart as my shepherd when in reality I am not? Or as strong? How many times have thought I can handle the wolf myself because I have learned enough from watching my shepherd or listen to his still small voice. How many times I thought I could be the shepherd and led other sheep of a cliff with me? how many times will I continue to deceive myself by thinking the weight of the world is on my shoulders or that I can figure out completely where my shepherd is taking me and what he is thinking or That I can fully understand why he is taking me there.

Application: john 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches, he who abides in me, and in him, bears much fruit; for with out me you can do nothing.” Jesus is right I can do nothing with out him and am nothing with out him. How dare I think I am something when I am not. I am a sheep and need to continue to follow him leaning on his understanding not on my own. I will never full understand him until I get to his dwelling place until then I will dine with simplicity of heart and follow him.

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